Saturday, August 12, 2017

Queen of the Gold Star Club!





My oldest son wanted me to make a card honoring the very first winner of his computer gaming challenge that he started almost ten years ago.  It will soon be the Gold Star Club's anniversary, and the card will go to the very first winner of the very first challenge question.  

My son had some very particular things he wanted the card feature.  It had to be gold, glitzy, have a large predominant star, and feature some stardust.  Not particular at all, right?!!  So, with these requirements, I got started.  Below is the result of my endeavors on behalf of the Gold Star Club!  David was thrilled and he thinks the woman, who had the correct answer first, will be as well:

Ingredients:  Papers: SU Naturals cardstock (retired); Recollection Shimmer-Brown; Best Creations: Glitter cardstock-Dark Gold; Paper Pizazz-Funky Stars on Yellow; DCWV Shimmer Stack-Bronze Pumpkin; Bazzill Dotted Swiss-Honey. Spellbinders: 5 Stars. SU Framelits-Holiday Collection-mini stars (retired). Sizzix Sizzilits Swirls (modified). WRMK Deco Corner Chomper.  Darice Rhinestones. Computer-generated sentiment. Handmade sentiment banner mats.

The Story

As mentioned above, about ten years ago, my son, David, started what he called the Star Challenge for his online gaming friends.  He would present a challenge question, and his gaming friends were allowed five chances to answer the puzzle correctly.  If they were successful, they were entered as member of the Gold Star Club.

The very first challenge presented was a two-part question: to name the voice speaking (a pre-recorded interactive part of the challenge) and the title of the game, which was a vintage computer game that he played as a young boy.  It took six months for some one to come up with the correct answers.  Strangely enough, on the very day the correct answer came in via email, a second correct answer followed within a few hours from two members, who didn't know each other and lived in different states!!  It was amazing that no one could guess the name of the voice or the name of the game correctly for over six months and then two were successful on the very same day within hours of one another.  These two winners became the first and second members of the Gold Star Club.  

Further challenges have been offered throughout the ensuing years, but none have taken so long for the correct answer to be presented.  The first person to correctly guess the very first challenge holds the Gold Star Club crown, because she not only answered it correctly, but one her very first try; therefore, she will receive this card honoring the ten-year anniversary of her win!  My son and I both hope she enjoys her card!